Category: Aviation
Virgin Australia goes into Administration Virgin chief executive Paul Scurrah says the airline presented nine different bailout proposals to the Morrison government to avoid a collapse, with the last seeking just $200 million in fresh capital. But administrator and Deloitte executive Vaughan Strawbridge said on Tuesday that there was already an “extraordinary” amount ofRead More
Regional Express receives Funding
20 APRIL 2020 REX SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING COMMONWEALTH FUNDING FOR REGIONAL SERVICES Regional Express (Rex) has today signed a Commonwealth Grant Agreement under the COVID-19 Regional Airline Network Support (RANS) program announced by Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), the Hon Michael McCormack, on 28 March 2020. Under the program, regionalRead More
COVID 19 Airline Fiasco
Since – March 2020 – the airlines across Australia have been in a constant demise – it hasnt become any better upto todays date – 20 April 2020 . Governement has helped in certain ways to keep airlines working, but at this stage – Qantas, VIrgin, Regional Express have basicallyRead More